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And went down into the Mallee

And fled the contemplative Aegean

And threw soft bodies among grass

And fell into Grecian doldrums

And swept away messiahs of the flatlands

And drank out of dirty bowls, english memories,

pantomimes of Aeschylus, the fallow fields

broken against the log of holy present, 

describing the arc of the sun on hollow days,

pitching against creekbed horrors, allocated

to men slipping under the dirt like trapdoor spiders,

crying quietly to themselves in eucalypt coffins,

beating off to the form of a wombat, 

fashioning amphorae from the bill of a platypus,

filling with quandong to ferment harshly under grey fields, 

disgracing themselves beneath winedark ozone absence,

crawling winewise through southern aztlan,

carving dodona into the red mallee whose branches

crisscross the sky like the hatching on hermes cap,

the agnostic ocean pouring inland and through the bitter

rolling hills, carrying a homeopathic taste of peloponnese 

fruit, of the dung of boeotian animals harnessed

and whipped and beaten across the base of the mountain, 

slashed and maimed through human pastures to human

evils, to old fashioned christs and newly wrought gods,

necks split and blood poured on hearths to protect against

bytzantine rituals and elephantine gluttons, a taste of

the known flesh in this distant apoikia, the ships long ago

blown apart by foreign winds blowing in from foreign pressure systems,

pottery broken against the backs of mutinous sailors,

melted down and blocking captainish ears to complaints,

oxen flailing under the foreign sun, the great yellow negative

unknown sun of the mallee, so protective of the great 

lumbering beasts in islands close to the heart

but made evil sometime in our journey, some invisible

line crossed and time gone strange, navigation eaten

by ill skies and one hundred of us crawling through

the grass that irritates us and plucking quills from 

the dead echidna against the advice of the body

of the earth, scratching our antique script into 

the antique stone, crafting visions against the wasteland,

stacking cairns in feeble mimesis, 

bleeding too easily in the afternoon heat, 

the wisdom of disease stalking through the cold night, 

and cried out against the fauna,

and lay down in the clearing,

and went up to the—

ASGOSTINOS: The weary dove bleeding in the eucalypt

Looks down at me and smiles with weathered teeth

Breeding sleep in his mind, twisting my heart

Beneath crooked foot and evil tongue.

Bastios! Rise from your stone bed and greet 

the bright and mild day, the long grass tickling

Your feet, the stream bubbling against the grain

Sweet silence all the day for us, as for every last creature

Blest to ride here beyond day and night, flying

And slying, here in the land of bush and tree,

The ever-burning plain of the Mallee.


BASTIOS: (Groggily) Asgostinos, evil host of our tribe,

Did you not watch my slipping darkly into revelry this last

night? Did I not eat of the berry that wakes the sleeping

mind? Did I not drink the river of the waters of Lethe?

And you ask me to eat the lotus this morning? I will

not say again, your leadership of us here does not give

you leave to bite down on my brainflesh, to sally against me.


ASGOSTINOS: Hidebound and desperate though

we may be, downtrodden and doglike Bastios, hideous

though our situation is and plucked though we are, 

divine justice still flows through my seablue veins

like the trout down the dark river, like the heron 

across the desert sky. You will go down to the Mallee today.

You will go down to the Mallee today, and you will search there

amongst its many evils for libations and for goods.

Every dog will have his day Bastios.


BASTIOS: I will not go down to the Mallee today Asgostinos.

No Asgostinos, today I intend to lounge, and no word of horror

or impudence will make me different. Today I will not go

down to the Mallee Asgostinos, and I am not to be 

persuaded otherwise. The Mallee destroys Asgostinos.

I will not go down to the Mallee today. I will not go

down to the Mallee. Make your mind up some other

way Asgostinos, because I will not go down to the Mallee.


ASGOSTINOS: Bastios. If you will not go down to the Mallee.

Today. Then other arrangements must be made. For today.


BASTIOS: Why does the drum come hither?

Bleeding greeks:

Make greeks bleed evil

sweet open god wound

plas- tic sick bird

make work open wide

world blow force man

man force world back

eat dog feel mess

slip god east meant

fish plan male slug

end creek gully plug

This is God’s country.


The sky opened up once we passed Rockbank.

Shoals of slivers of blue appeared through the cloudbank,

sending shafts down to touch the road ahead of us,

marking further distances. Silvio’s mannequin hand

brushed my thigh as he squirmed like a snake

stuck in a rock crack against the contours of the middle-seat,

jamming his foot into the wells on either side, pushing

his slick black hair against the roof until Silvia cracked

her hand against the side of his leg. Calm down. 


In the middle of a paddock an island rose as if from an ocean

a tree splayed across it like a reclining Calypso, deadened

by the reaching night.

I crawled out my window towards

it, the sky crackling with electricity, cicadas swarming above,

lesions rising on my skin, maps without territory. The woman

spat disdainfully, spreading her branches until they covered

the field, the road, the ocean. I writhed against the grass.


This is God’s country.


Restitution is never given. You never asked. Why should I have

to? Why shouldn’t I be entitled to it? It’s not about being

entitled, it’s about asking for what’s owed to you. And if I ask

and they don’t give? What then? I’ve shown my hand, I’ve made

my play and I’m stuck. Well what other option do you have?

I wait it out. I wait them out, until they see the damage they’re

doing to me. They can’t just ignore it forever. I think you

underestimate how much these people can ignore.


The grey squawk of the seagull.

The ancient hatred of the cow.

The bloodfeud of the kangaroo.


The twins stand outlined against the bulging stone

of the bathhouse,

    the wicked building of a cracked future.


This is God’s country.


I am the Echidna, crawling along the lazy corridors

of the bathhouse,

my mating song ringing 

like a drone through the endless walls and steam.

My back erupts with spikes, and where the weary tips point,

I follow, long knives as arrows, arrows as long knives.

The sounds of chanting pealing in the bathhouse.


I am the Echidna, lying on my back 

in the cloister 

of the steam,

washing out my brain,

the elevator voices of the patrons swinging

through the wooddark areas.


The outraged dirt rises up through the cracks in the floor,

the black spears of bark blink in the face of approaching cougars,

the tan glowing men swing bottles back to blot out the sun,

the blasted areas turn back into ground,

the sky above the sea lets loose a waterfall,

the biting beast indicates the western catacombs,

the western catacombs sink weeping deeper beneath the turning crucifix,

the Hunter travels from Dodona to the island,

seeking growth,

seeking the red and the blue,

seeking reaching fingers,

seeking natural ships,

seeking weeds that save,

seeking burnt churches,

seeking revenge.


I am the Echidna, peeking through a crack

in a door

of a low-lit room,

seeing the two lovers 

Silvio’s hand

across Silvia’s,

two indistinguishable faces

swapping places.


I am the Echidna, seeking roots in the dark

flicking my tongue 

along the sick dirt,

rolling my eyes back in my head

to see my brain

pulsating in its dark nest,

vibrating in its slick core.


I am the Echidna, crawling up the back

of the Hunter.


The car trundled across the stone of the parking lot,

the five passengers sitting in silence, the man with

the darkest hair sitting at the wheel, gripping it with

pale knuckles, his teeth set and dark circles under his

eyes, the woman in the passenger seat slipping

into sleep, the woman behind her staring at her hands

resting on her knees, the man beside her, sitting in the

middle seat, passed out already, a smudge of dirt under

his nose, a dark red cut beneath his left ear, the man

beside him looking out the window, his eyes not

focusing, taking in the whole landscape, the parking

lot, the gum trees that lined the parking lot, the 

grass fields beyond the parking lot, the cows in the

fields beyond the parking lot, menacingly chewing

the grass beneath them, glancing up with their wide,

black, hollow eyes, and beyond the cows in the grass

fields beyond the trees at the edge of the parking lot

the mountains, standing cutting a soft curve against 

the red sky, red as the soft red fleshy inside of a mouth,

and as the car exited the gate of the parking lot

the sun finally fell fully behind the wall of the mountains,

the cows slowly lowering their high heads in reverence,

and the sky fell long and black over the endless tracts

of the earth.

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